Typically, you will encounter three different types of fraudulent IDs commonly referred to as the ABCs of fake IDs: Altered, Borrowed (or Stolen), and Counterfeit. To effectively identify ID fraud, IDs should be checked under good lighting. Some of the most common alterations are not always obvious. A lit magnifying glass can be extremely beneficial in uncovering discrepancies.
Note: If you suspect an ID to be altered, borrowed or stolen or counterfeit, you have the right to, and should refuse service.
When checking IDs, it is important to follow an established routine. Memorize the steps and use them, in order, every time you check an ID. An example of a routine approach is called FEAR (Feel, Examine, Ask, and Return).
First, FEEL for pin holes, bumpy surfaces, glue lines, rough edges.
It’s recommended that you hold the card until the carding process has been completed.
Next, EXAMINE the photo, DOB, expiration date, consistency of font, hologram, state logo, reverse side, UV feature.
Then, ASK the DOB, person’s age, ZIP code, zodiac sign, middle name, second form of ID.
At no time should the licensee willingly confiscate a suspected fraudulent ID.
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